Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Real Estate can Increase the quality of life in a city

Watching the video Baby Baby Baby by Make The Girl Dance I amazed at how the quality of life can be improved by creating more pedestrian friendly zones (I blogged about this previously here)

Imagine transforming your typical strip mall into a pedestrian friendly oasis where you can people watch, hang out and shop.

Here are some cool Ideas

Why is this important?

The new node becomes an attractive place to live, it increases the population density in the area..both of which increases real estate prices to the surrounding neighborhoods.

It's also great for the environment because makes places like Scarborough, Edmonton and Calgary more attractive ;-)...oh yea, less reliance on cars too

1 comment:

qmanrei said...

Brian - If pedestrian walkways = Video - I am 100% agreement and we should just get rid of all roads.