Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The fun landlords have to deal with when a tenant leaves

I can't tell you the fun I've had to deal with after a tenant vacates a property. I've had dirty diapers, one year old kitty litter, and more rotten food that I care to look.

Probably the worst thing was the ashes of my tenant's husband (he was a great guy...I really didn't want to be that close to him).

I wish I took pictures of all the heroics I've dealt with, maybe someday I'll have a laugh, but right now..I'm just not over it.

So I'll post some pictures so potential real estate investors could see what we landlords deal with.

It was like this for 3 weeks:

You think this could cover up for the lost rent?

How nice of them, they thought you might need some of this:

Every landlord must know how to hang drywall, just in case you have one those super cats:

Ok, I could understand moving the bed scratched the wall, but how did the spit get there?:

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