Thursday, January 6, 2011

Save Transit City

Here is a great infographic from the Toronto Environmental Alliance on the bang for buck of transit dollars.

Access to transit is an absolute necessity for real estate values to grow in a city. For examples, of what not to do, go visit cities in the States where barriers because of poor transit and poor urban planning cause massive ghettos where people are forced to live in an area because of poverty.

I blogged about this previously here. It's sad to see that Toronto is following down the path of many major cities where the rich live close to transit and the poor do not (see recent work from Dr Hulchanski from U of T here). If this trend continues, you will see property values neighborhood drop.

Tell Rob Ford and Toronto City Council we want Transit City. Sign and Retweet!

1 comment:

conveyancer Adelaide said...

I will go for the First plan. Less cost but efficient because almost 630,000 people are served by this plan.