Friday, March 19, 2010

Number One Bloor

Baker is back at for a second time marketing the site of the famous one bloor fiasco. This time Great Gulf will be behind it with a slightly new name and really toned down: Number One Bloor

How is the site remembered?

-Agents will remember the $100 brochure package the developer was giving out and the long cold nights
- Media will remember the great story of people lining up for days with round the clock roll calls
-U of T Students will remember they were paid $2000 to line up - still no word on how much Cerebal Palsy John and Johnny five were paid.
- Investors will remember people blasting their emails trying to flip the condo for $10,000 more than the purchase price within the 10 day cooling off period

Check out the video From the Toronto Star here

Will Baker recover from pissing off the Toronto Asian Agents to sell out Number One Bloor as fast as they did X2 (read about the fiasco here). Probably


iSlutsky said...

I will most remember prices being increased at the last second. Lets hope that Number One Bloor does not go through the same process, and takes a more refined route.

I am already sure that their marketing will not involve a lady barfing diamonds and jewels!

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