Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Debt Loads in Canada a Cause for Concern

Latest TD report: Canadian Household debt a cause for concern indicates that Canadian household debt has tripled from 50% to 150% from the mid-1980's and has reached US levels.

How has this happened:

  • Bank of Canada decline in interest rates to combat inflation
  • People feeling secure and confident to take on debt because of prosperity and job creation (created for the most part by low interest rates)
  • Home ownership rates higher
  • Culture of now: buy today even if you can't afford it.
  • Credit availability to younger Canadians (consider Tuition fees in Ontario have 207% since 1991 to 2007)
  • Credit availability in general (Canada does have securitization of debt instruments and Banks know that line of credits are "sticky" products.)
TD feels that Canada won't reach a US style housing collapse but are concerned carrying higher debt loads will cause difficulty for many people to weather the storm of a double-dip in the economy.


Anonymous said...

Lowering interest rates does not combat inflation. In fact, cheap money will increase inflation eventually.

Yarrawonga land said...

Hi Brian,

they sure do, thats why the spend millions a year pushing them.

It's hard to believe that the figures you mentioned here have tripled in this time.

Thanks for sharing